I Want Help But Can’t Afford It

Online Resources, Support, and Community for Those Struggling
with Porn and Sexual Integrity

Hey, we’ve all been there before. Sometimes it can feel like life is stacked against you, and then to be carrying the weight of a porn addiction – but seemingly without the resources to do anything about it – that can be incredibly disheartening.

We believe that freedom from porn and sexual addiction should be attainable by anyone and we also feel that recovery should not have to break the bank for it to work. That being said, anything worth something will require an investment of some nature (money, time, honesty). So before you give up, here’s what we can offer.

Basic Advice

Even a small step forward is still a step.

For starters, it costs nothing to get accountable and own your struggles. The first step in dealing with porn addiction is to let someone else into your world and talk to them about your issue. You’d be surprised how far a simple admission will go toward lifting the weight off your shoulders. 

Find someone in your life that you can trust, someone who cares about you – a friend, a sibling, a parent, a spouse, a pastor, a mentor – and let them know what you’re dealing with. It can be a tough thing to consider, but once you’ve done it, you’ll breathe much easier and hold your head higher.

The reality is until you beak the shame this thing holds on you, you’ll never be truly free.

Beyond that here are some free and/or low cost resources we have available:

Sex Addiction Test: We made it easy to find out if you’re addicted to porn or sex with a simple online test that’s completely discreet and private. Oh, and it’s completely free! Get the answer to your question in seconds by clicking HERE.

The 10 Day Freedom from Porn Action Plan: Live Free Ministries has developed a completely free eCourse called the 10 Day Freedom from Porn Action Plan. Sign up HERE today to get 10 days of practical teaching and actionable advice all delivered right to your inbox. 

The Live Free Community App: Ok, the bad news is that this is not a free resource. But, it’s pretty dang inexpensive. For just $4.99 per month you can join this supportive community with over 1,000 men who are on the same journey of freedom as you. 

The Live Free Community App offers a simple and safe way to bring men together who share a common struggle with porn and lust. Experience authentic community, find real accountability and get access to exclusive content and free courses — all in one place. Sign up for Live Free HERE.

You can also find plenty of great ideas, encouragements, and other thoughts in our blog section.

Freedom is affordable and available. We’re here to help to get there.

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