So your 5th grade daughter is online looking for the latest scoop on the boy band One Direction. She types in a web address, accidentally misspells it, hits enter and WHAM! She’s looking at a totally naked guy and girl doing something you hoped you wouldn’t have to explain to her for a couple more years. Well, the sex talk is going to have to take place a little sooner that you hoped because she’s got questions.

It’s no surprise this type of thing happens. 90% of kids, ages 8 to 16, have viewed porn online, and often it happens by accident. A simple misspelled word and a mouse click can send your children into a world of graphic pornography. The images can become seared into their memories and could lead them into a lifelong addiction to porn. What can we do to avoid this potential tragic outcome.

Get a filter! Internet filtering software blocks your computer from accessing porn and other inappropriate websites. So when you child misspells a web address that could lead to porn it stops the offending webpage from loading. As I speak to parents at churches and schools I am amazed at how many of them don’t have Internet filtering software. They either don’t know what it is or just never thought about getting one. I’ve had several parents tell me they have the software and when I ask them what they have they tell me Norton Anti-Virus.  Their computer might not get a virus but that software doesn’t do one thing to stop their kids from going to porn sites. So there’s a lot of confusion or ignorance about Internet filtering software among parents. I’ll try to solve that right now.

First, you absolutely need Internet filtering software if you have an Internet connection in your home. It’s one of the best things you can do to protect your children from Internet dangers. Second, don’t wait another minute to get it.

What software should you get? Here are a couple of great options that work on PC’s, Mac’s and iOS (Apple’s “i” devices): our X3watchPRO; SafeEyes; or NetNanny.

Now go get an Internet filter and help protect your family!