
Frequently Asked Questions.

keeping the program on Start Up

Hi Guys,
I cannot get X3 Watch to start up everytime the computer boots up. I have physically put it into the Start Up folder many times and it will work briefly and then I will notice that it has disappeared and it not running. I really need the accountability.
I am perfectly willing to upgrade to a pay product if it takes that to sovle this problem.
I run Windows 7 and Office 2010 if that makes any difference.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Tommy Lawhorne

Please send an email to with this. They will help you there.

Romance novels, and porn in marriage

This is very hard for me. I have struggled with porn off and on since my youth. I would fall on my face, repent and be good for months, and then fall on my face again. This seems to be an endless cycle. Fast forward and now I have been married for 8 years. My wife became severely depressed shortly after we got married, and almost completely withdrew from everyone and everything.

About a year ago, I discovered that my wife was reading supernatural romance novels. Specifically books by Laural K Hamilton. I picked up one of the books and began to read and was surprised by the content. It was just as bad as the porn I struggle with only it was in words not pictures. I wrongfully attacked her and tried to force her to get rid of the books. As a result we plunged into the worst period of our marriage and were on the verge of divorce. My small group leader advised me to let her be and just pray for her, which I did. Things between us started to get better. My wife has even come a long way out of her depression, she has started taking care of herself again to include losing weight, dressing nicely, doing her hair and wearing makeup. This is something that she has not done in years. I am truly grateful for this change.

Then Last week, my wife and I were being intimate, and turned on the TV in our room so the children would not hear us. We have a lock on the TV that only my wife has the code for. Well as she flipped through the channels, I spotted an adult program, and jokingly said “hey, lets watch that”. At which time she said ok, and unlocked the program. This has started a trend for the last week with us sharing in watching porn while being intimate. In my heart I know it is wrong, and feel strongly convicted by the Holy Spirit. I approached my wife about this, and she did not share my feelings and didn’t really think there was a problem. Now I don’t know what to do. I love being intimate with my wife, and my flesh enjoys the porn, but my spirit is sounding alarms like a fire station.

I have thought about why I allowed all this to start, and there is no one answer. Part of the reason is that I love my sin and was excited by the prospect. There was a sense of “I shouldn’t be doing this” that was appealing. Another part is that I was jealous of my wife for reading those novels when I was trying to abstain from porn and felt jilted. Here I was denying myself, and she was indulging herself.

I just want my wife back, and I want both of us to be truly free to serve God.

What do I do? I really need help.

Be honest with her and tell her how this makes you feel. This is a marriage, a joining of two people and you both have to respect one another’s feelings toward things.

If it is the case let her know that you love her and that when you have sex you want it to be between the two of you and that you do not want outside items like porn in your sexual relationship. Sex is good an is an amazing gift given to us from God. But, sex is for the two of you and porn can lead fictitious people into your relationship. Yes they are not real but, they do become a relationship in your head.


Hi all, I always wonder if masturbation is correct? Is a normal person masturbate?
since 2 years ago, I realize my sexual behaviour has become a problem in my life. So I start seeking for different way to reduce the amount as much as possible. I honestly can say that, today I am able to quit pornography and sustain a longer period in masturbation. Even though I quit watch any pornography because I understand pornography is not real, but I had begun searching for real encounter. Thank to god that, after few encounter I know that I am not Homo. actually quite heterosexual. I have this idea is because I grow up very protected and surrounded with female. However, after different experience in my addiction, now I really want to know if there is any way to calculate masturbation frequency and what to do when it comes to time when you feel can not hold it anymore? should I stop completely for masturbation?

thank you so much

I do not know of a way that masterbation is good. Honestly how do you do it with out lusting after someone? My own opinion is that you need to stop all together. I know it may be tough but, if you get accountability for this it can be easier. I would try to find someon whom you trust and have them walk with you as you go through this.

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