
Frequently Asked Questions.


Is there a way that X3 can block or report violations on the YouTube app on Android? I don’t think it catches if you watch inappropriate movies or scenes. If there would be a way to do that, that would be awesome.

While there is no specific setting to block the YouTube app specifically, you can use Apple’s built-in restrictions settings to prevent users from installing the app.  Take a look at the steps here for safe-gearing your iOS devices including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices.

If you are subscribing to the Premium Product then you can blacklist any site URL. To block a website in X3watch Premium, you will first need to log into your account by clicking hereOnce you have logged into your account, click the “SETTINGS” button located in the navigation bar at the top of the web page. Once the “My Settings” page has loaded, click the purple button called “Blacklist Sites”. Now are you ready to block a site. Simply add the website’s address into the designated field on the page, and then click the purple button that says “Add URL To Blacklist”. The website should appear in the list below.

I hope this helps!


I’m dating a girl, I’m a guy, and I’m a virgin. She has had sex with these other guys and I’m concerned that I will be compared and that my size will be severely smaller than other guys. She claims none of that will be an issue, I’m still scared. Even if she doesn’t care, I still struggle with the idea of being smaller than other guys she has been with because that makes me feel like I’m not going to be able to please her as much and she’s already had the best.

Hopefully you are not planning on having sex outside of marriage but you never mentioned marriage in your paragraph… just that you’re a virgin, the girl you are dating is not and you are worried that your penis isn’t big enough or comparable to those she has experienced.    

Isn’t this just sad?   THIS is what sexual-sin does to us.   If you are someone who looks at porn (guessing that is why you are here at then you are seeing a whole lot of performance sex and most performers are enhanced or using enhancers.  The viewer then looks at themselves in comparison to this and thinks they can’t measure up (pun intended!)   Porn viewers also have their mind washed by false ideas and images of what sex should be like between couples.  Porn is selfish.

Sex the way God designed it is selfless and giving, out of that comes gratification- both sexually and intimately.  It is an expression of the love between husband and wife.  There are no comparisons.   In marriage you’ve already established (before the ceremony) a desire to spend a lifetime with the other person and you’ve cemented that by entering into a covenant of marriage with that person.  That means if this is the girl for you and she say’s yes to marriage— she doesn’t want what she has previously had, she wants YOU.. 

My suggestion— stop focusing on your penis and start focusing on all the wonderful things you bring to the table in the relationship and look upon your girl that way too.  

premarital sex

I am currently in the X3PURE men’s workshop and have a question. In terms of premarital sex, what does the Bible say. I have been searching for a long time and cannot find a scripture that blatantly says that it should be avoided. I have grown up in a Christian family and this idea of abstaining from sex outside of marriage is solid in my head, but I can’t find anything that states this myself. I know there are many verses about sexual sin, but where does the bible say premarital sex is included in that sexual sin. Is it unhealthy to be in a serious relationship for many years with somebody and have sex, knowing that this person will be the one you marry? I am so tired of hearing friends of mine justify it, but in reality I have no spiritual ammunition to tell them they are wrong. I guess I am wondering if there was any scripture that blatantly says either A)Premarital sex is sexual sin, or B)Premarital sex is not part of God’s plan.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply,

While none of us here on team claim to be bible scholars, we do embrace the biblical model of purity and that the bible is clear that sexual relations outside of marriage is fornication (and just plain not God’s best for us).  There are many scriptures that point to this throughout the old and new testament.   I did find an article written by Rich Deem years ago but it’s just as good of a read today as it was then if you really want to break down what the Bible has to say about premarital sex or even extramarital sex. I hope you find it helpful!

The doctrine of keeping sexual relationships within the bounds of marriage is so important that it is spelled out in the second chapter of the first book of the Bible (Genesis 2). The marriage covenant is spelled out in the original narrative that describes the meeting of the first man and first woman:  For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:24-25)

The Bible has a lot of bad things to say about being a harlot.5 In fact, it was so frowned upon in Jewish society that, among all the laws in the Old Testament, spiritual unfaithfulness (idolatry) is compared to harlotry.6 These days, people tend to think of harlots as those who engage in multiple sexual relationships. However, the Old Testament indicates that engaging in even one sexual relationship before marriage (i.e., not being a virgin) makes one a harlot.7 Engaging in consensual sexual relations with a married person was a capital offense, and those who were found guilty (both the male and female) were executed.8 Consensual sexual relations between an unmarried man and unmarried woman resulted in the man being fined and required to marry the woman without the possibility of any future divorce.9 Essentially, there was no premarital sex, since once you were caught you were married.The New Testament confirms the laws of the Old Testament. Specifically, adultery is condemned,10even including mental adultery,11 incest,12 and homosexuality.13 Other sexual sins, including premarital sex, are condemned through a couple Greek words (the original language of the New Testament) that can refer to a number of sexual sins, depending upon context. These words are porneia14 and pornos,15 from which the English word “pornography” is derived. English Bibles will translate these words different ways, so it is important to know some of the ways in which the words are translated. For example, the New American Standard translates the words as “fornication”16 (e.g., premarital sexual relations) and sometimes as “immoral persons,”17 which seems to be some kind of generic immorality, although it specifically refers to sexual immorality. Other English words used to describe premarital sex include “unchastity.”18 The fact that these words refer to premarital sexual relations can be seen in the Pharisees answer to Jesus, where they insinuated that He was born of fornication.16 The severity of this kind of sin can be seen in the descriptions of what will happen to people who practice sexual immorality at the judgment.17

The New Testament directly states that sexual activity is to be restricted to marriage in the book of Hebrews, where it condemns both adultery (engaging in sexual relations with a non-spouse while married) and fornication (engaging in sexual relations before marriage):

Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:4)


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