
Frequently Asked Questions.

I need motivation.

I am 22. I grew up in a Christian home and became a Christian myself at the age of three. I had my first exposure to porn when I was about 10-11. I do not recall any feelings of guilt or of “losing my innocence”—I just loved it and had to have more. I still feel this way now, although physically I am about as virgin as virgin can be. (I’m not a very social person. I’ve never been on a date and as such the extent of my physical “sexual” interaction is that I can count the number of times I’ve been hugged on one hand.) However, since then I have progressed to watching porn 1-3 times a day with the exception of several attempts to quit, none of which I was able to keep going more than a couple weeks. Intellectually, I know what I’m doing is wrong. The Bible tells us that sex is intended as a gift to be enjoyed exclusively within a monogamous heterosexual marriage. The reason this is harder for me is that outside of the metaphoric “holy grail” of actually having physical sex, I do not want to get married for reasons both related and unrelated to this issue, so the Bible’s given reason for extramarital celibacy is irrelevant in my case. I know I’m supposed to be trying to have a relationship with God, but being by nature a very practical, down-to-earth kind of person I find it difficult (to put it lightly) to have a relationship with someone when your only means of communication from this person is a collection of documents that was written generically for everyone (as opposed to being written to me specifically) thousands of years before I was born. In conclusion, I’m generally angry that I seem to have been put in a no-win position. God considers what I’m doing to be a sin, but offers no hope/relief to those who, like me, don’t want to marry. I don’t want to stop because I like doing what I’m doing and I see no harm in it, but I want to want to stop because I know that how much I like an activity has zero bearing on its definition as a sin. Please help me find motivation. (I know that last sentence sounds like good motivation, but it’s awfully hard when the benefits of a sin are tangible and immediate and the cost is not.)

Hi Evan,

We cannot motivate you but we can encourage you to put into place all the suggestions we openly give throughout our site- via blogs, resources, questions/answers etc.   You may also really benefit from joining one of our X3groups.

Best wishes


I am addicted to 3 sum sex and things like that not porn,i like to do it in real not watch it Is it bad?please give me your opinion I love to have sex with many women married or unmarried Thanks

Our stance on healthy sex is this … sex between one man and one woman in the context of marriage. We believe that sex becomes unhealthy when it leaves this context. So, if a person is seeking sexual gratification outside of their spouse (porn, strip clubs, or extramarital sex) then we would say that they are engaging in unhealthy sex.

SSA Blog

What Happened to your SSA Blog, it helped me out a lot. It brought up a topic that not many people know how to deal with in the church and it help me to strengthen my relationship with Christ.

Hi Joseph,

The blog is still there it is just not linked to the main page anymore. We had very few SSA bloggers that were contributing content on a regular basis. We are working on a new content plan next month so we’ll know more then.

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