
Frequently Asked Questions.

Online gaming

My son is asking if he can play the on-line game, World of Warcraft. He is almost 16 and we have SafeEyes installed on the computer he can access. What are your thoughts on this gaming website and can it lead to sex sites or unprovoked interactions with other players? Does SafeEyes provide protection in this area?

Thanks for info you can share. Your ministry is right on!


Honestly this game is not something that we are to familiar with. Safe eyes will not pick this up because you are not using a Internet browser to operate it. I would do some more research on line and see what you find there. Online rooms and items that allow for chatting are always avenues for possible adult items.Sorry we could not be much more help.


How will i be able to refrain from watching porn. I try so hard to stop. I have even also prayed to god and asked for strength, but i always resort to porn. Please give me a personal reply. I dont need porn in where im headed in life. Please help!!! Thanks and God bless!!!

We understand that this is a tough battle that you are going through right now and you need to get it under control with being such a young age. Admitting to the fact that you have and addiction to this is one of the first steps.

Confess this to God and tell Him that you want to change and that you want for Him to send people in your life who will help you win this fight. He will hear your pray and He is a powerful God but, He will not just come down here and stop it for you. He will provide you the tools and the resources but, He wants you to step and do this thing.

After you have talked to God about this find someone right away that you know who can be your accountability partner. Someone who you see often and will have the ability to hold you accountable at all costs. Being your age I would suggest it be someone who is your elder and will be able to provide good mature counsel on this issue. This can be someone from your church, family member, and maybe even your parents. I know this step is tough but, you have to do this if you want to get free from this. You will not be able to do this on your own.

After you have an accountability partner you need to sit down with them and build a plan figure out what your triggers are and how they affect you. Get accountability software. If the internet or mobile devices are you hang up and this is where you turn to get your porn, get accountability and filter software right away and get this covered. We have a great program called X3 Watch that you could use for this. Set up a meeting schedule to meet with your accountability partner to discuss how things are going and if you are following your sobriety plan that you have developed with them.

Do not think this will go away over night; you have trained your brain to need this crap and you will need to train your brain that it is not needed and that it will hurt you. Celebrate small victories and do not give up if there are stumbles, keep going and dig in for the fight. Please know that you are not alone in this and thaGod loves you so much. He will never remove His love for you because of what you did, are doing, or might do during your recovery. We are here praying for you and know that you can do this.

Technology, accountability

Any plans for development of x3 watch for the Nook? Or, have you found any way to permanently disable wireless for Nook (I have first generation, WiFi only version). I’ve searched online with no luck. thanks.

Right now there have not been any plans for the nook. We would love to have this for all systems but, need to finish the ones we are workin gon and perfect the ones we have right now.

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