
Frequently Asked Questions.


I don’t have a question..just wanted to leave some positive feedback. I just watched Shellie Warrens webinar. It truly was a blessing to me. I’m going to sign up for one of the groups tomorrow!

That is awesome!  I’m glad the webinar: The 5 myths of Women, Sex & Porn was a blessing to you and I am certain you will benefit from one of our X3groups for women!

Best wishes.


Hello xxx church,

I’m wanting to start a ministry at my church. I want to use the gospel and other forms of knowledge to stop porn addiction, I was curious if you guys had something that would work for this? Such as group workbooks or group videos? Or anything that I could us to try and break this porn addiction in today’s generation. Thank you for your help.

Yes indeed we do!   We have the X3pure online workshop available in DVD format for small groups.

We also have X3groups local packages available for guided small group packaging that includes a leader manual and so much more!


The Scriptural Basis for our X3pure program is as follows:

Paul the apostle wrote in Romans 8:1-2, “Therefore, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Ultimately, this is the spiritual goal of all men who journey through the X3Pure program: to learn to rely on the unconditional love of God through Jesus Christ instead of on the false love of unwanted sexual behavior. Unwanted sexual behavior encompasses many activities, including pornography, prostitute, or strip club use. Regardless of the nature of the unwanted sexual behavior, sex outside of marriage is ultimately relying on someone or something instead of Godʼs love. We call this reliance idolatry. For the addict, he or she has turned sex into an idol. If we look closely at Exodus 32, when the ancient Israelites lost faith in Godʼs faithfulness and turned to the Golden Calf, we learn that idols will only fail us in our quest for provision and wholeness. Only Godʼs unconditional love, through Jesus Christ, can make us complete. Pornography canʼt do it, and neither can prostitutes or strip clubs. It is X3Pureʼs honor to guide the user through the most important steps needed in order for him to arrive at Godʼs threshold. These steps include acceptance of unwanted sexual behavior, understanding of the nature of change, learning about human physiology, embracing abstinence, locating conditional love, and then ultimately converting that conditional love into the glory and majesty that is Godʼs unconditional love (1 Jn. 4:8). Paul struggled with his own thorn in the flesh, what he called a “messenger of Satan to torment me” (2 Cor. 12:7). Paulʼs answer to this thorn, to this struggle, was not to focus on Godʼs wrath, the same wrath that the Israelites experienced when Moses returned from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments (Ex. 32:9-10). Instead, Paul focused on the love of God through Jesus Christ. He knew that in his struggle with sin he needed to not only be dead to it, but also alive to God and his faithfulness in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11). “If Christ is in you,” wrote Paul, “your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you” (Rom. 8:10-11). X3Pure holds precious the principle that all believing Christians have the Holy Spirit. As Christ says in Luke 17:21, “The kingdom of God is within you.” In helping the X3Pure user discover the many layers of idolatry and conditional love that has obscured the Kingdom of God/Holy Spirit within him, we are helping him unleash the most powerful tool he already holds for recovery and a fulfilled life. This process of exposing and enlarging the Kingdom of God/Holy Sprit is seen within our four Recovery Targets. We psychologically examine our feelings (#1) so that we may replace conditionally loving thoughts with the certainty of Godʼs unconditional love (1 Jn. 4:16). We seek, establish, and engage in community (#2) because where two or three come together in Jesusʼ name, he is there with them (Matt. 18:20). We tell the truth, learn to trust ourselves, and hold our territory (#3) because we have been called according to Godʼs purpose, not manʼs purpose (Rom. 8:28). And, ultimately, we develop and explore genuine faith (#4) because genuine faith in Christ Jesus is faith in an unconditionally loving God who is there for you, even to the end (John 3:16). Perhaps the best summary of X3Pure is found in Galatians 6:4. There, Paul writes, “The fruit of the spirit is love. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit.” God is love, and it is when we die into that love through faith in Jesus Christ that we are freed from our destructive behavior, including our unwanted sexual behavior.




a couple of things: I am a Christian, through Christ I’ve beaten a lot of sins and addictions over the past few years and am working towards one day being a pastor. For years I’ve been a porn addict and specifically I deal with same sex desires. I don’t want this. I want a wife, a family and to bring glory to God in everything I do. I’m trying hard. I have accountability software. I have a AP. And I’ve confessed. I’m scared I can’t beat this, I’m scared I will never be fully sexually attracted to the opposite sex. I truly want the love of a Christian wife one day but sex SCARES me. Thank you for all you do.

I just want to encourage you.  Fear will rob you of so much.

Deal with your porn addiction first.  Focus on your relationship with God and where He has you daily- in each moment.  Thinking outside of today is not going to help you… worrying about all the “what if’s” is only serving as a distraction.   If you have confessed your areas of struggle or weakness and you have accountability in place just be sure that you use it.  Accountability only works to the degree we work it.

If you don’t want a behavior you don’t have to act out on it.   Some things may never go away.  I am attracted to a lot of things that are not beneficial to my walk with Christ and I must make decisions everyday.   Sometimes I am angry that those things are not just removed from me but I have to remember that Paul’s thorn remained and yet he was able to walk with God, to serve God and to live a life of purpose.  Guess what?  So can you!!



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