
Frequently Asked Questions.


I’ve been struggling with porn for a while now and I want nothing more than to quit. Yet, despite having an accountability partner, the x3watch on my phone and my social media apps off my phone, I still manage to fall short of Gods standard. Everything around me right now feels like it’s just falling apart from my family to my body to school and I just am getting so sick of it. It’s not that I’m disheartened or giving up on God, I’m just angry. I’m angry at myself for not being able to shake this demon off my back. I want freedom and I want to be closer to God. I want to experience a peace that I’ve yet to experience. I don’t want the same answer of getting more porn blockers or more accountability. I know the scriptures, I just want to know why my heart won’t change. I can’t block every temptation in my life, but I just want to know why my heart is still corrupted by lust when I just want to be free from this horrible sin. Please help me

My heart breaks when I read some of these because I hear it in your written words and yet, the flesh remains… flesh.   The bible tell us that there will always be a war between our flesh and the Spirit (Gal 5:17).  It also tells us that we are enticed by our own desires (James 1:14)    I don’t say these things to make you feel defeated but to rather let you know that you are not a failure– living in this world with all of the external visual stimulation everywhere we turn is overwhelming!!   And you are right— you cannot change every external and walk around in a steel suit with blindfolds on.    Just keep pressing into the Lord, keep your accountability in place.   Make sure that you’re not setting yourself up for a fall by keeping the things luring you away in your immediate sphere of influence.   It’s one thing to not be able to control what goes on in the world but you can control what you allow in your home and in your immediate space.



spouses truthfulness/accountability

How long does it take junk mail to clear up after you stop viewing porn? I confronted my husband’s porn use three months ago. He said being accountable to me has kept him sober but his spam mail folder makes me doubt his truthfulness. It is still littered with the junk emails as before. I want to believe him, but he lied about his porn use for thirteen years. How can I gain his trust? How do I restore my trust in him?

He should probably get a new email.   Once on a list that email address can get sold over and over and over again.   If he is going through porn- spam on a regular basis then he is setting himself up for another fall.

With regards to trusting him again.   Trust is not something that is automatic.  Love is.   We don’t withhold love but you can certainly withhold trust until it is earned.    It takes time.    He’s not going to be perfect and you will need to have the love of God in you to extend it and mercy.    Be sure you are getting the accountability you need as well.


Outside of accountability, what other ways are there to break free from the addiction?

Also, I lead a group of young adults. How do I bring up a discussion of porn with those that may not see it as a problem? Some I talk to have no issues looking at porn.

When you say “outside of accountability”  I hope you mean in addition to because we don’t believe that one will break free from this addiction alone.   Not saying it is impossible but it is rare.  In all of my years here, I’ve not met someone who has.    In addition to accountability there are some things an addict should put into place.   A lot of times a person who is addicted cannot see what those things are so I suggest asking yourself “What are some of the things an alocholic or drug addict can do to break free from their addiction”    The obvious then comes to mind.  Stay out of bars or around people that supply the drugs or alcohol.   Get into meetings where you will find support etc.  Those same things apply for the sex addict.  Often times the user needs to remove the computer from their bedroom or home.   Cut ties with your cable provider etc.   It may sound extreme but so did Jesus when He said “if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off!”    Some of this may sound “too legalistic” and for some people it may be, but different people have different triggers and different levels of addiction so it must be tailored to each person according to their habits.

With regards to speaking to people who do not think porn is an issue.    If it is young adults in your church then you can turn to Scripture for that.   If it is people in the world arguing this, there is no argument.  We don’t argue with the world.  We simply share what we believe and we make sure we are living it out.

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