
Frequently Asked Questions.

Frustration of a sexless marriage

I have been struggling with porn and a sexless marriage for a year and a half now. While my wife and I are strong devoted Christians, we aren’t doing well in many aspects relating to sex life. Every time I pursue sex in a romantic way she refuses it all and comes up with an excuse. She recently told me sex isn’t a big thing in marriage to her belief and Bible doesn’t talks about foreplay. I do believe Solomon in the bible clearly talks about man and woman in a seductive way. She also tells me she doesn’t like nor want sex and she lied to me about faking orgasms. We only had sex during ovulation times for three months and we conceived our child and that was the end of sex life. I am trying for marriage counseling which I have already attended but she refuses it. I’m struggling in all this with porn and loniness. What am I suppose to do about my marriage? I know I was to stop porn and masturbation. God sees my struggling marriage and I need out since my wife doesn’t agree about what bible says about sex. Any men struggling like me?

You are definitely not alone and as a woman this makes me so sad when other women do not see the importance of sex not just for the union of the marriage BUT for the building up of her husband.   This is such a vital part of marriage.   I would highly recommend that you both go to counseling together.    She definitely needs someone other than you to guide her in seeing her role in this and how selfish it is.

taking advantage of grace

I am a pastor’s son and i struggle with pornography and masturbation. I’ve struggled with these sins since 5th grade. I’m accountable with both my older brother and my father. They know about the pornography but not the masturbation. There used to be a time when i used to get pissed off after i sinned, but i seem to feel less and less guilty about it as if it’s not that big of a deal. How do i tell my accountablity partners about the masturbation? And how do i get myself to care more about my sin?

We become desensitized by sin if we continue in it.    This is why you are feeling less conviction about it.  IF you know it is sin, confess it and confess your desensitization and ask the Lord to re-awaken a passion in you for Him and for the things of God.

Try talking to  your dad and or brother also and let them know you still need help and perhaps share how you are struggling.

The Filter

Recently I heard about you all at a summer camp and the free filter you all have available and would like to get information on how to get that installed on both my iPad and my phone.

Hi Micah,

X3watch pro is the filter or just the accountability software is free X3watch. Both can be found at

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