
Frequently Asked Questions.


Hi, I just recently found this website and I think it’s going to help me a lot with my addiction to porn and masturbation. But here’s my question/story. I don’t have many friends that are guys, and everywhere I look people say “Get an accountability partner” but the friends I have aren’t exactly the type of people I trust. What should I do?

Consider joinging an X3group  or something like Celebrate Recovery where you can meet others who are looking to break free as well.

Pornography and also peer pressure

I am 15. I am trying to get closer to God. First, I do struggle with pornography. Second, I want to be able to stand up against peer pressure- which really covers a large variety of things for me such as wanting to fit in, be a people person, drugs… And more. Yes, I do have accountability help but I still can find ways to indulge in my selfish desires. There is a girl I have just met who is a beautiful person that loves God. She is such an attractive girl, meaning she has a great personality and is an awesome example of a pure Christian. I do long to grow closer to her but my guilt of past decisions and fear of how my confessions would alter her perspective of me hold me back from furthering our friendship. (Her dad is well aware of my feelings and even suggested making an account here.) I’m not looking for an actual relationship with her but I do know God put her in my life for a reason. How do I find the confidence to (most importantly) make a permanent change in my sinful desires [porn & social pressures] and be open about my past to the girl in order to allow our friendship to grow? Sincerely, Andrew

Dear Andrew,

I think as you continue to walk out your freedom from pornography and pursue God with all of your heart the rest will fall into place in due time.  (Matthew 6:33)

Sex addiction

I’ve long wondered whether or not I’m a sex addict or just am locked in bad behavior. While the test on this sight indicated that I HAVE MET some of the criteria, Idk if I’m totally convinced (I know I know). I went without watching porn for 3 years, but never went longer than 3 months without masterbating, and while I’ve tried to remain pure, stumble most weeks, and have recently stumbled onto porn a few times these last few weeks. My gf and I also set boundaries, but eventually cross them, though we always refrain from having sex. Sometimes I feel so guilty, but then other times I feel guilty for NOT feeling guilty! Is this addiction? And if so, how prevalent is addiction? I feel like my story is not unique all

Dear X,

I think if you have to ask then somewhere in your own heart you know the answer.   We have no idea of knowing if you are a sex addict but if you are struggling where you do not want to be then it needs to be addressed regardless.  You know we have many resources here on the website that can help you.

Best wishes

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