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Help with porn issues

Hello, I am Victoria, and I am a Christian. I have a problem I cannot seem to forget. Last summer some cousins of mine camre over. She is in high school and learned slot of vulgar stuff. She said go to a porn website, and my older sister called me over and looked it up. I saw it as well and I just cannot forget those images. Then we started to curse. I went along with the older kids wanting To fit in, and I didn’t tell because I didn’t want to be the party pooper. Now every time I think of a person I think of sexual thought. Please help me! What do you suggest for this?

Dear Victoria,

You are definitely not alone.  Sin will crouch at the doors (and windows) of our life just waiting to get in and when it does it can be hard to get out.   I would highly recommend you talk with someone that you trust that can help hold you accountable. 

We also have many blogs and resources for women here at XXXchurch.  Read through those.  It will help to know you are not alone and perhaps you can find some things that will help you.

God bless you!


My name is adrian and i have made a pledge to god that i would stop going to porn sites and watching things such as that. I have been free of porn for about 6 months now and it has really brought me closer to god. It is during this time of knowing god more that he put it into my heart to rap and to make an album. However i have been getting really mixed signals about whether or not masturbation is ok. Just in case i told god, ok, i wont do this anymore. However recently, i forgot how long ago, i did so again. This was because i was excited and with that excitement i could not go to sleep so i just decided to masturbate. After that all the lustful thoughts that were getting me excited started to fade away and i was able to go to sleep. However i still felt bad about doing it. I also get wet dreams from time to time and before i had decided to try and stop maturbating i would thank god for it because i was once told it was a gift. Basically i just need to know if it is something that i should fight against.

Dear Adrian,

We take the stance that God designed sex and sexual stimulation to be mutual in marriage- a gift to give your spouse.   Masturbation only serves self.    It has also been repeatedly mentioned amongst so many who have struggled with this that the body can become dependant on masturbation for stimulation and then is not as sensitive in responding to the mutual stimulation found with a spouse.   You have to make this decision yourself but this is our take on it.


I have been addicted to pornagraphy since probably around 10, I had learned about masturbatation before that and didn’t even know what it was. I’m about to start school and I want to finally become free but it’s so hard! I go to a Christian school and I go to church 3 times a week I’m tired of being a hypocrite, and I want to get closer to God. I got saved, at an early age, and on April 27th of this year I decided that I was going to follow Christ no matter what, since then Iv’e seen improvements in every area of my life except my porn addiction. I want to talk to my Pastor about my problem but I’m to afraid, I could talk to him at school during lunch how do I work up the courage, and where do I go from there?

Dear Dallas,

I am so encouraged to hear that you want to talk with your pastor about this.   We know that anything done in secret thrives in secret but once we confess and open it up to light there is where the healing begins!

I would say pray and ask the Lord for wisdom and courage to know when and where to have this meeting/ discussion.  

Be encouraged as I know this is something that God will enable you to do!

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