
Frequently Asked Questions.

Son searching for internet porn in Spanish and on Facebook

I recently discovered by searching my son’s online history, that he was accessing and viewing a lot of porn through Facebook. His first language is Spanish, so he was finding the videos and sites in Spanish, and our OpenDNS filter and NetNanny only caught some of them. He is very repentant, but admits he has been viewing porn for about 2 years. Is there ANYTHING that filters Facebook? Is there anything that filters searches made in Spanish? We are desperate to help him, but he knows it is going to be a long, hard road.

Hi Dawn,

Go to and look in their FAQ and see if your question is answered.  If not submit a question directly to them.  I am not sure of all the ins and outs of software here on the ministry side of X3church.   I know that you can set it up to block anything you want– but that might be facebook altogether.   

I hope this helps.

Boyfriend looking at next to nothing/porn pictures

My boyfriends goes on craigslist personals to look at these pictures of women wearing next to nothing or pornographic images….my heart is broken and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve confronted him about it and he told me I will never change him. I’ve been fighting this battle for over 3 years now….I do love him and I’ve been trying to figure out what to do next. Please help me…

Get out now.

If he doesn’t want to change and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it and it doesn’t line up with what you want in your relationship then it is time to move on.

If he’s on craigslist then he’s probably doing more or going to do more than just “look at pictures” there.

Access to pornography

Ok, here’s a tough one for you guys 😉 I’ve recently become re-addicted to pornography and masturbation after a period of sobriety, I’m accountable to a youth pastor, and now I’m trying to rid myself of all access to pornography. HOWEVER the problem lies in the fact that there are two, easily accessible family iPads. I know the restrictions code for both of them, and consequently have been using them to access pornography through safari private browsing. I’ve told my dad that I know the codes and want them changed, but he works ALL the time and never changes them. Also, I know that if I do get the codes changed, I’ll still be able to access pornography through the youtube app on the iPads. So I would need the Apple ID password changed too. I feel so stuck! I can’t bring myself to ask dad again because he probably won’t do anything, and I can’t sell/destroy the pads because they aren’t mine, any tips?? Blake

Give the iPad back to who it belongs to.

Jesus said if your right arm is causing you to stumble then cut it off.   Giving the iPad back seems to be a lot less painful.

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