
Frequently Asked Questions.


I have been in a relationship for almost 8 years now. I found porn sites on my boyfriends laptop. Asked him about it but denied of watching porn. A year passed and I decided to check out his laptop again and there it was again. That time I couldn’t just trick myself into thinking he would never do this. So I confronted him and had a huge argument to where it finally broke him and he became clean about it. We are both Christians. So he’s really put the work into our relationship, work into changing those bad habits, etc. But I feel sometimes I’m holding back our relationship with feeling insecure about myself and how he views other women. That year I was tricking myself into thinking he wasn’t watching porn made me slightly addicted porn but not in the way others usually are. I found myself wanting to be like those women so that I could be attractive for him and basically taking notes to how I should be or look for him. But now I just find myself regretting seeing those things. But most of all the insecurity is what is bringing me down till this day. In what kind of ways can I help participate in patching up and making this relationship stronger… rather than look at the past and always be hurt by it?

I think if we all really understood that both parties coming together in any relationship are sinners we’d be more likely to focus on the Lord and allow His mercy, forgiveness and grace to flow through us. which would then allow us to really enjoy eachother and life together.

Hopefully the two of you have accountability in your relationship with another couple or leader/mentor type of person and are getting some counseling to work through these issues.

Email community, or anything along those lines.

First I’m going to say, I am man that’s is in a constant fight with my faith. It’s in my heart to live a good life style that The Lord could smile upon, but my head is constantly knocking that down. If that makes any sence. And I’m growing very tired of it. So my question is, do you guys have like a community that well email back and forth, or even text just to check in? I’m going to be honest, I am happily married to the women I know that god sent for me, but I’m a dog when it comes to sexual needs I guess you could say, I’ve nearly cheated (thank The Lord for stopping me) an I’m constently on porno graphic sites. I’m made a vow to myself today to make a 180 and get straightend out. Then I remembered hearing about this site, and the mission. Figured it would be a good place to start if even just for some advice.

We do not have email community but we do have a real community of men who get together to talk about their struggles and their victories and hold one another accountable via internet web conference and phone:  X3groups

What is porn?

Hello, I have a pretty rudimentary question but I guess I need it defined for my own personal recovery, not because I have an addiction but rather my husband does and I’m just trying to make sense of it all. I’ve read several books on recovery (written specifically for wives) but it’s difficult to move on when I still struggle to trust my husband; I don’t not feel as though he’s being honest about his own recovery. He went to counselor for a very short time. We also went to a marriage counselor for one or two sessions. Our daughter has some pretty severe health issues and so much of our “extra” income goes to her medical expenses. We haven’t been able to afford ongoing counseling because of other these other necessary expenses. So I’ve resorted to books. I have bought him some books too but I know he’s never read them, even after I’ve shared with him that it’s important to me. All that too say, I need a definition. I need clarification. What IS pornography. What is okay, and what is not okay. I have my own definitions, my own gut reactions but I am fairly conservative so maybe I’m over reacting. For example, my husband’s brother is fairly liberal, sends him links to YouTube videos. I can see my husband’s history, although he does clear it from time to time. Most recently he watched a some 70’s rock song being played to a silhouetted figure of pole dancer. It was very clear that although her figure was a blackened silhouette, she was cold and had no clothes on. To me, that’s classified as porn. Okay, so he watched it. What troubles me more is that he does not ask his brother not to send him these links. I understand the concept of accountability. I understand the need to confess one’s sin. We just moved to another state- we know no one here and still haven’t found a home church but even if we did I’m not sure it would matter. Where we used to live, he did confess to our pastor, and obviously to the counselor but beyond that his accountability stopped. Then we switched churches (because we moved closer to where our daughter received her care). After that move, his accountability also stopped. From my perspective he seems to struggle but given our finical constraints we just can’t absorb more counseling. He won’t read the books I’ve given him and I guess I just wonder if it’s just me that is over reacting. I am trying to work towards trusting him but when I see his history cleared and then these links pop up from his brother, I am bothered. So what do you call porn? What is okay and what is not okay? How can I further encourage him? He’s very much an introvert. I’m not sure what else I can do. Thank you kindly for reading and any wisdom you feel led to share.

While I absolutely sympathize with the fact that you want to be the only object of your husband’s desire and he is being entertained by videos or still images of other women,  I think it is important to recognize that you cannot make him change or bring it about.  You have expressed how this is upsetting to you and he sees nothing wrong it.  Instead of focusing on “what is or isn’t porn” to win an argument OR to validate that your not going crazy (you’re not) I think you need to redirect your focus and your energy.   PRAY for your husband’s eyes to be opened- pray that God would soften his heart to feel conviction.   Start taking better care of you (mentally and spiritually)   Boundaries (Townsend & Cloud) is a great book and they have one for marriages… even if your husband never agrees with you on this– YOU can be healthy- YOU can be whole while focusing on the Lord and the GOOD things in your husband.

I’m not sure if this has helped at all but it’s what I felt I needed to share with you.   We also have an entire section for spouses that you might find helpful and encouraging.

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