
Frequently Asked Questions.


I’ve always tried to be godly but for the past four years I’ve been addicted to porn. It’s hurt relationships, my trust, and even my self esteem. I’ve tried to get help before but every time I end up going back to the porn. How do you go about truly eliminating it from your life?


Freedom is possible.  Accountabilty is key and you have to use it the way it was intended.  Craig has a great book called Open that goes into great detail about it.   You also need to remove stumbling blocks and start to reprogram your thinking and actions.  Spend some time in the students and men sections at XXXchurch reading blogs and going through all of the resources. 


I’m going to be, I am addicted to porn and realizing that I have been for years I wanted anything to get better so I came to 3Xchurch. But I have heard you need accountability and even here I hear that it is key. My question is, why is it necessary and how does it help? I have been open with my accountability partner but I feel like it doesn’t help with anything. Am I doing something wrong?

Accountability is a key element to breaking free if you respect it and use it properly AND if you are putting into place the things you need to set yourself up for a win.  Accountabily will only work to the extent that you use it.  If you are using accountability only to confess, it rarely works.  

You may want to check out Craig’s book OPEN which goes into great detail the imortance of accountability and how it works.  You might find the X3groups to be a great community for you that includes accountability combined with teaching and encouragement.

how do i give this up it impossible

I think I am at the point of giving up I was sexually used at 7 by a family friends daughter and I have been thinking of girls naked since I was 9 looking under female teachers quarts then I knew about porn since 11 (and I know you here that loads of times) and I have been watching it since. I became a Christian at late 16 early 17 and God has completely changed my life but its just this porn addiction that has not changed and he has not changed that situation even though he has changed other ones I just don’t get it I have confessed I have accountability partners three in fact I even downloaded your Xwatch free download to my computer but I still watch it I have watched porn when im happy,sad , angry and any other emotions I have a big problem not finishing what I start so I go on for a while clean then I go back to it thinking I have done good I kinda use watching porn as my reward for not watching it I know I realise im going crazy I have heard it all when it comes to tips for recovering from porn and every time I go on porn then afterwards is when I read up on it and stuff then after a while I forget I even go on your website and check your blogs for advise but I still watch porn I really don’t know what life feels like not watching porn it scares me cause I don’t know wat it means to be clean or pure I still have my virginity but I have done other sexual things with girls when I was not a Christian and in a Christian relationship when I was in the beginning of my new faith I have not done anything sexual with a girl for a year and a half but I still watch porn at least one a week if I had a stressful week maybe two or three times in a week and if im really bored I watch porn and masturbate twice or three times in a day I really love Jesus I owe him for saving my life literally and he has changed my life but this is the biggest thorn in my flesh and the sad thing is I don’t know how to live life without the thorn I cant even look at girls the same anymore can give me some advise even if it means praying before answering me (that’s if you don’t do that already) can I really get saved from this. Thank you

Hi Tobi,

It’s not impossible but it sounds like you are trying to do this solo. 
You need accountability in your life with others who can spur you on (Iron sharpening Iron) and a plan in place to walk this out.   If you don’t have anyone that you feel is safe that can help you with this then consider joining one of our X3groups  

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