
Frequently Asked Questions.


I guess it doesn’t really matter (?) but in treating porn addiction, I’m curious: which came first – the Attention Deficit Disorder, or the porn? Or are they just so interrelated that it is really difficult to tell? I’m curious what the scientific facts are about the brain and ADD and porn. I have studied both separately but not in relation to each other. I just think maybe if I knew, I could understand my husband better, and also I think it would aid him in his treatment. Thanks!

ipod touch filter

My 13 year old recently purchased an ipod touch. This device can go online when we have our internet turned on. I want to be able to moniter who he is chatting with and what he is looking at. What resources are available for an ipod touch? Thank you, Justina draper


X3watch is available in the app store.

You may also as a parent be interested in the services at www.iParent.TV that will be available this summer. 

husband’s use of porn

My husband is very open about his use/desire for porn. He does not try to hide it. In fact, he uses it whenever he wants “intimacy”- if you can even call it that. How do you overcome that? He does not believe in God. I do, but he just ridicules my belief. He feels that porn is not wrong and that I am just “twisting” things if I complain. I’ve never seen this issue addressed. Everything seems to be geared to men that try to hide the addiction.

If your husband has no desire to stop- doesn’t see that this is an issue if even only because it hurts YOU then I don’t think there is anything you can “do” to make him see the light.    If you are a believer and he is not then I think your first prayer has to begin right there.  

I would suggest that you seek out support and counseling for yourself regardless if your husband ever does.   You are definitely not the only one in this type of situation.  Partners For Purity might be a great community for you to join.     You may also want to check out Laurie Hall’s book An Affair of the Mind. 

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