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So I turn 17 in 11 days,and my girlfriend is 18 in about 2 months. We both realy love each other and we support each other through everything.
My girlfriend recently found out she is pregnant. Yes,she and I are going to have a baby.
We already told her mom,and she is very supportive. Her dad will probably kill me,and my parents are very protective and they raised me like I was living in a church my whole life.
My dad wil probably kick me out or something.
My girlfriend asked me if she could talk to me last night,and she started crying and said she can’t do it,and that she wants to have an abortion.
I do NOT want an abortion. I specificaly told her I don’t want an abortion and that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if we would ever do that.
I’m 17…I’m in the 11th grade,she’s finnishing school with her last grade nect year and she’s sad because she says she can’t finnish school while pregnant.
I don’t have much money,but I am willing to do everything I can.
We don’t know what to do,and its all so confusing
Please just help me and give me some advice on what I could do?

This is a really tough place to be for both of you.   But especially for you with regards to rights over your unborn child in our country vs. your girlfriends rights to her body.  I’m pretty certain your girlfriend can make the decision without you.  Hopefully she will hear your heart and will take that into consideration when making her decision.   We are not professional counselors here so I cannot give you professional advice but I can give you some suggestions and I can pray for all of you.

There are alternatives to abortion if your girlfriend is not ready to devote her life to a child. I believe Adoption is one of the most loving and selfless acts a parent can do if indeed they know they are unable for whatever reason to provide for another human being.   Adoption is a great alternative because not only are you allowing the child to keep his/her life but you are giving potential adoptive parents the chance at a heart’s desire that only someone selfless enough to give up a child to them can bring.

There are also homes available throughout the country for pregnant/unwed women.   One that I am familiar with personally is –> Florence Crittenton <–.    Catholic charities offers many as well (and you don’t have to be catholic or even of any faith for that matter).  In these homes, life doesn’t stop.  A young woman can still continue her education, work if she wants to, take all kinds of prep classes for whether she is adopting the baby out or keeping it.   She can receive counseling and most times all of the costs are paid for through donations and the state or potential adoptive parents.

Ironically— I was in your girlfriend’s shoes 31 years ago–but I was 2 years younger than she.  Sadly though, I did not have the family support (at that time) that it sounds like your girlfriend has.  I chose to go to Florence Crittenton.   My son is now 31 and I have my first grandchild.  =)

There is always hope.  I’ll be saying prayers for you/r situation.


Is there a way that X3 can block or report violations on the YouTube app on Android? I don’t think it catches if you watch inappropriate movies or scenes. If there would be a way to do that, that would be awesome.

While there is no specific setting to block the YouTube app specifically, you can use Apple’s built-in restrictions settings to prevent users from installing the app.  Take a look at the steps here for safe-gearing your iOS devices including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices.

If you are subscribing to the Premium Product then you can blacklist any site URL. To block a website in X3watch Premium, you will first need to log into your account by clicking hereOnce you have logged into your account, click the “SETTINGS” button located in the navigation bar at the top of the web page. Once the “My Settings” page has loaded, click the purple button called “Blacklist Sites”. Now are you ready to block a site. Simply add the website’s address into the designated field on the page, and then click the purple button that says “Add URL To Blacklist”. The website should appear in the list below.

I hope this helps!


OK, so a while back @ 3 months I found a couple of emails to another woman. Thankfully, I believe nothing happened because they were trying to get him to pay for a membership to a site i guess.. I could be wrong he maintains he never did anything. I also found that he uses porn alot!! and other adult sites pull up when watching these videos like dating sites and other things my trust is really frail right now and I am feeling rather raw and inadequate at this point I believe we can get past this but I do not know where to turn I need someone to talk to help point me in the right direction I love him greatly and I want nothing but to help us become stronger and build from what I have learned to make things better and to provide him with what he needs.Which is love and support I know we can beat this I just need direction please thank you I am lost and dont know what to do and I want to trust him but i AM STRUGGLING SELF DOUBT IS KILLING ME AND CONSUMING ME ALIVE RIGHT IN THIS MOMENT

I’m sorry you are dealing with this in your marriage.  We understand how painful it is and what a roller coaster of emotions it brings.

We would recommend you start with “I just found out my spouse uses porn”   Hopefully this post will help encourage you and point you to some resources.

A book that I find quite helpful when I decided to stand in the gap and seek God for the restoration of my husband’s spirit and his ‘sin-sickness’ was Laurie Hall’s book “An Affair of The Mind”

Lastly– I would recommend seeking out some counseling for your marriage.  If your husband refuses to go, then you go.   You need the guidance and the support.

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