Recently in Bogota, Colombia you may have heard there was a big explosion outside a radio station in the centre of the city. I’ve been living in Bogota for nearly 8 months and this is my first experience of any bombs, shooting etc etc. The same day after the explosion took place I went to meet a friend and we were walking to grab a bit to eat at a restaurant but to get to the restaurant we needed to walk past the blast site of the explosion.

When I woke up and heard about the explosion the news channels were mainly focusing on a bunch of blown out windows, so when we walked past the area we were both shocked as we looked around at the destruction that was before our eyes.

The local people and the news channels kept saying that its been such a long time since something like this has happened and that they didn’t expect it to happen and that really got me thinking about how many people are going through their lives while partaking in some activities which flat out honest is destructing to themselves, family, friends and their relationship with God. I know many people who have carried their own ‘dirty little secrets’ such as being addicted to porn, cheating on their partner or just lying to yourself that no one is going to get hurt and at the end of the day the bomb will go off and will change your life forever. Maybe now would be the time to deal with your ‘dirty little secrets’ before the clock runs down and people are hurt.

I recently had someone speak to me about his Porn and lust habit which he was finding difficult to deal with but as soon as he shared his problem, it lost the power it had over him. This guy could’ve left it and carried on but he decided he needed to talk to someone about it before it evolves into something which will be more harming for him and the people around him. While it might not be easy telling someone I really want to encourage you to find someone you can trust to share it with but ultimately look to God. In Ephesians 1:7 it says…

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.”

You are Forgiven…. You don’t need to let it eat away at you

You are Free…. The chains of sin have been broken

Will you let Jesus in….? Do it, it will forever change the way you live your life