My Spouse Just Caught Me

Online Resources, Support, and Community for Those Struggling
with Porn and Sexual Integrity

Here you are, and you feel like crap. We’re glad you’re here and, though we don’t want you to feel like crap, we are kind of glad you do. Because that feeling – that horrible, horrible feeling – is a great motivator to help you make some radical changes, on behalf of your spouse, that will help you become a better you.

You’ve been hiding; you’ve been living a double life and keeping an intimate portion of yourself secret from your spouse, and today you have a great opportunity to shake off that weight of secrecy and come out into the open. It’s best for you, and it’ll be great for your spouse, too.

Basic Advice

Here’s what they’re thinking:

they’re being flooded by an overwhelming array of emotions, like shame, embarrassment, anger, and bewilderment. They’re swinging back and forth between the extreme anger that has them asking, “How could they do this to me?” and the implicit humiliation of the follow-up question, “Was I not enough for them?”

But we have good news for you! Despite all the emotions and trauma you’re both going through, we’ve seen couples, time and again, go through those same discoveries, those same emotions, and come out on the other side with a marriage that is stronger, richer, and more loving than it ever was before.

We sincerely believe your marriage can withstand this, but that can only be the case if both of you are willing and ready to put the necessary work into rebuilding your relationship on a surer foundation. It’s going to take the two of you, working together, to bring about the restoration that you desire.

You can do this. We have some resources that can help.

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