Just in case you have not noticed, we
have a brand new website. Yesterday, the prayer wall went down prior to
us moving to a new server as well. We are working on the issue and will
get it back up. XXXchurch is now on it’s own dedicated server which
means it will be a whole lot faster for all of you and a much better
surfing experience. I would encourage all of you to take a look around
the new website. We have a lot of new pages, new blogs, and lots of new
videos and cool stuff. The site is real easy to get around. Over the
next week or so, we will be moving the x3blog off of this typepad.com
address and over to the xxxchurch.com address and ditching the whole
typepad thing. The best way to get to the blog will be by accessing the
home page and going directly to the blog through the main menu or the
news. You will also be able to access the blog directly in a short time.

We also have a brand new store. Not all of the shirts are up in the
store yet, but they are getting there. You can check out the store by clicking here!

The new podcast feature on the website allows you to listen to the
dirty little secrets show right from the web. A new show will be
uploaded to the site every Monday. It is also available in Itunes as a
free subscription.

Hope you enjoy!
