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OK, so a while back @ 3 months I found a couple of emails to another woman. Thankfully, I believe nothing happened because they were trying to get him to pay for a membership to a site i guess.. I could be wrong he maintains he never did anything. I also found that he uses porn alot!! and other adult sites pull up when watching these videos like dating sites and other things my trust is really frail right now and I am feeling rather raw and inadequate at this point I believe we can get past this but I do not know where to turn I need someone to talk to help point me in the right direction I love him greatly and I want nothing but to help us become stronger and build from what I have learned to make things better and to provide him with what he needs.Which is love and support I know we can beat this I just need direction please thank you I am lost and dont know what to do and I want to trust him but i AM STRUGGLING SELF DOUBT IS KILLING ME AND CONSUMING ME ALIVE RIGHT IN THIS MOMENT

I’m sorry you are dealing with this in your marriage.  We understand how painful it is and what a roller coaster of emotions it brings.

We would recommend you start with “I just found out my spouse uses porn”   Hopefully this post will help encourage you and point you to some resources.

A book that I find quite helpful when I decided to stand in the gap and seek God for the restoration of my husband’s spirit and his ‘sin-sickness’ was Laurie Hall’s book “An Affair of The Mind”

Lastly– I would recommend seeking out some counseling for your marriage.  If your husband refuses to go, then you go.   You need the guidance and the support.

porn and marriage

how do I feel good about myself when my husband looks and porn and I’m 7 months pregnant? He doesn’t have any interest in me sexually.

At a time when you should be experiencing the awesomeness of pregnancy and bringing a new life into the world with your spouse, the last thing you want to be dealing with is feeling rejected coupled with your husband’s pornography use.

I don’t know if this is something that your husband has been struggling with for awhile or if this is just as of recent but regardless— it is not about you (even though it affects you tremendously).     This is your husband’s battle, his struggle and he needs to deal with it.     Have you told him how you feel?   If so, what about bringing someone else into that conversation?  A pastor,  a trusted friend?

Remember this (and I know it is hard)… our worth does not come from our husbands.   It comes from God.   God is crazy about you.  You are written on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16).  We as wives of men who have turned elsewhere (whether images or people) need to know that it is not about us— but we do have a responsibility to our marriages and to make sure we are doing our part as a whole.

Seek out some marriage counseling as a whole.  My guess is there are other issues, not just the bedroom.   You guys may even want to check out our latest series called “Best Sex Life Now”.

Lastly– we have an abundance of resources and blogs in the spouses section of the site that you may find beneficial and encouraging.





My husband

I’ve suspected my husband has been having anal sex during porn & masturbation. I confronted him & he admitted to it. We had a great sex life in the beginning of our marriage. When he stopped wanting sex. So we started to watch porn & make up sex fantasies, he almost had me convinced to do a threesome but I couldn’t. Then we started to fight very bad I moved out for a year. We are back together, & he’s been getting deeper & deeper into weird stuff & not me. He said he would stop, but he’s a addict he likes drugs too.
How do I deal with this?

I’m so sorry that this is going on in your marriage.  Clearly it sounds like your husband is a sex addict and needs professional help and support.   All the “I’m sorry’s” in the world will not bring about change if they are not met with true repentance which requires a plan of action to help the one in sin lay it down and turn it around.

Your husband has to want this for himself as much as you want it for him.   He needs to seek out help in the form of counseling and accountability…if he is admitting to being a porn addict then dealing with that addiction is what it is going to take.  You’ve already tried dealing with it on your own– you tried a separation,  none of that worked.   So get some counseling, invite someone in to help hold your husband accountable– you need to seek out support for yourself as well.   We have an entire section for spouses on the main site.

Best wishes.

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