
Frequently Asked Questions.

My Father’s Addiction

I have approached my father about his addiction to porn and he cried with me about how it’s hard and etc. But before we cried, he said when he was a kid, looking at porn was accepted. So that was his excuse. He didn’t stop, he lays on his bad with his laptop and looks at it with everyone else in the house. My mom thinks he is just watching his netflix. So no one but me knows what he is doing. It is sickening because he is on the trustee board at church and he is helping right now during this financial crisis. I think he should resign do to this problem. If our pastor knew, I’m sure he’d ask my dad to resign and get help from our counselor.

How can I get my dad(Mike) to get help?

thank you for what you do.


I know this must be hard on many different levels. I would suggest having another talk with him and lay out why it is not right and how it harms his relationship with not only God but, you, your mom, the church, and everything around him.

Here is the hard part; if he doesn’t want to get help for this I would then tell him that you have no choice but, to go and talk to someone at the church if he doesn’t. I know that you will feel like you are hurting him and it will be tough. But if you want to help him sometimes we need to hit rock bottom in order to get healthy.

You may want to even consider having a conversation with your mother about it as well if he doesn’t want to get help.

Please know that we are here praying for you as you walk through this.


i would like to get help from you, can someone please explain to me what is the process? i have had not watched pornography for 5 months, i have no desire to watch for pornography or any kind of fhantasy, but i would like to get some help to make sure that i am healthy about it, i know that Jesus Christ has cleaned my mind and my body, but i need to do the process and have a aproved certificate from you, is there any place in nashville where i can meet? please help me, blessings Palemon.

We have some great resources on our site under the get help section. As for being able to tell you were to go in Nashville we do not know of a place to send you to. I would suggest talking to someone in your church or a friend who you can trust to sit down with a work this out.


I have been dealing on and off with pornography for 10 years. My relationship with God has grown tremendously but it’s one of my last strongholds to deal with. Im going to sign up for the workshop and get accountability. I was wondering to what extent do I tell or involve my girlfriend we will be getting engaged in 4 months and well be married a year later. No one seems to have any good answers for me. Also should i take the married workshop or single mens workshop? Thanks

I would suggest the single mens workshop. Also I would talk to her about your struggles and let her in to your life to help. If you can not talk to her about this now what will it be like when you are married. It does not get easier when you get married. Start the right pattern right now.

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