
Frequently Asked Questions.

Illness and Sex

My wife and I have been married almost 30 years. We had a good sex life until about a year ago. She is going through extreme issues with her back, and is unable to do most physical activities, let alone have sex. It has probably been a year since we have been intimate. I love her and care for her. If you have a wife with a serious illness, how do you handle the urges that we still have as men? Is it wrong to get release through masterbation?

Well let me ask you this:  What does your wife think about it? It is your marriage bed- can she help you achieve that even if she is unable to have intercourse because of her back?

Our stance on masturbation is that it is a selfish act one that doesn’t produce oneness in marriage but ultimately you need to come to the answer for yourself through your own interpretation of the Word if you are a believer and also with an open conversation about it with your wife.   If this is something you have to hide from her then I think you have your answer. 

Its a tough situation to be in for sure so I don’t want you to think I am minimizing that at all.   I wish you the best and admire your desire to do the right thing and to know what that is in this situation.

System test

How can I test your system on my phone and CPU to make sure that my accountability partner is going to get a notice if I were to mess up?

Hello Emmitt,

You need to contact support at by visiting their site and clicking on the support tab in the upper right.

I am not trained in software here on the ministry side of XXXchurch. is set up with the right people for that.

Thank you

My son’s pornography/sex drive control

I have a special needs son who does not read or comprehend well what he reads. He has a problem controlling himself when given the opportunity to access pornography He also has a normal sex drive and has difficulty managing that. He is nearly 21 and has no girlfriend. He loves the Lord and participates in church and the college group quite a bit. How can I help him with the porn/sex drive thing. I am his mother. His dad is AWOL on the subject. Although my son and I are very open about sex, I would welcome an expert’s input on how I can (or whether I even should) hands-on help my son with this problem. Because he doesn’t read and understand what he reads, coming to this site independently will probably not help him that much.

I think it depends on what you mean by special needs.

If your son is pretty articulate but just can’t read well then maybe the X3pure workshop would be good for him.

If he has problems processing information verbally or written then you may want to talk to a counselor who’s trained in this area.

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