
Frequently Asked Questions.

soul ties

Spirit ties how do you break them with old friendships? With the soul and the spirit tie?

Hey Kimberly,

I don’t have much experience with soul/ spirit ties in friendships.   I think if it is a stong hold you can simply ask for the hold to be broken by the blood of Jesus.

God is faithful to lead us and to give us what we need.   Keep pressing into Him.


A few questions…Does your filter take care of people’s photos on Facebook? We don’t have friends that post explicit photos but from time to time I do see some girls that are not dressed very modestly, or they might just be making a “sexy” face or something. My husband is a firefighter and some of the stations have porn magazines in the bathroom stalls…What to do about that…? Also, sometimes the guys at the station will be watching a movie, or even a commercial (that most people wouldn’t think anything of, but for guys it grabs their attention)…These are things that my husband can’t put a filter on since it’s at work…so what to do about that? Is this just the part where he has to be accountable to himself and to his accountability partner? I doubt very highly that my husband would spend $99 on o the online workshops but when I saw the workshops I was SO excited because I know he would love being able to participate in the privacy of our home. Any advice on convincing him? Obviously I know since he cares about me that maybe that would be enough for him to invest the money but I’m worried of what he’ll think when I first mention it… I’m afraid he will be like WHAT?! How much?! I was thinking I could tell him it costs less than counseling… The only problem with the online workshops for us is that he cannot participate the same day of each week because he is at work on random days (24 hrs. on, 24 off, and he does that 3 times and then he’s off for 4 days.) So he would miss the sessions…Is there a way to make up the sessions?? Thank you!!

What can I do?

I just wrote on the confession site. But what do I do about this situation? My life is government by women – women’s cell groups, women’s prayer groups, women’s conferences, women’s days, women’s retreats, women’s breakfasts. It has been like this for almost 10 years, after my church separated men and women, and started to have women-only cell groups. There is no male influence in my life, and I have become uncomfortable if by some miracle I should find myself talking to a male. Talking to a male is so strange now I just want to get away from him. I started to try out porn sites in order to balance my life, to have some resemblance of male influence in my life. I have only had this problem in the last 10 years when men and women were separated at my church and they started to have single-sex house groups. (Except for leadership team, they still contain both sexes.)

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