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Masturbation urge

I was wondering does it get better? I have a wonderful Christian therapiat who is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist who also is trained in trauma. I was sexual abused. I had a previous Christian counselor encourage masturbation. That let to porn use for me. I know I have an addiction. I’ve made the commitment not to sobriety but purity. I want it so badly! Does the urge to give in get better? I’m not struggling with the porn desire as much as masturbation. My counselor & I are working on the underlaying negative beliefs about myself so I can truly beat this. I have looked at dirty girls ministry, I think it can be good, but for me just the name brings more shame. I do have a great accountability partner. A female pastor (not my pastor) who I’ve known & respected for years. She holds me accountable but also praises any little step. She actually was looking for info and found this site for me. I feel like I’m going crazy with the urge to masturbate. I don’t want to give in. I have serious health issues, so exercise isn’t an option for me. Will it easier to resist? It’s been 3 1/2 weeks. I really don’t want to do it ever again. Thank You.

Hey Emily,

My name is Shellie R. Warren and I am the women’s blog editor for the site.

I apprecite you takign the time to send this to me/us and honestly, one thing that makes you pretty exceptional is that you have a lot of the things in place that you need to conquer your stronghold. As I oftentimes tell people, “we don’t get into things overnight and so we don’t tend to get out of them overnight either”. It takes time and when Philippians 4:6-7 tells us that we should be anxious for nothing, this would include full deliverance. No wonder the Word tells us that sufficient for *each day* is it’s own trouble (Matthew 6:34). All we have to do is concern ourselves with today. We can do tomorrow…tomorrow.

As a 38-year-old who has not had sex in six years and also battled with masturbation (and also sexual abuse), I realize that one of the main reasons why it continues to be such an issue for so many who feel convicted about it but can still not turn away from it is due to the fact that we don’t always get the information that we need about *why* something is not God’s best for us.

For that reason, I have enclosed a link to a blog that I do for single women who desire marital covenant. I penned it last fall on some of the “undiscussed reasons” why masturbation is not the ideal:

I’ll be honest, I wrote it and it still presents some “ah ha moments” even for me. 😉

I just looked up the meaning of your name. I get that a part of your “wrestling” is due to the meaning of it: A very special “Happy Valentine’s Day!” to all my fellow single ladies (and unhappily marrieds, which is even worse, I know!) reading this, God only knows what gamut of emotions this time of year may evoke in us. Loneliness? Bitterness? Feeling sorry for oneself? Or is that just me?

Question: Does anyone else reach out for their dose of schmaltz in the form of a chick flick or romance novel…(I have to give a shout-out for my favorites here: The Notebook, The Vow, Where The Heart Is, Gone With The Wind)…only to be left feeling puffy-eyed and maybe a little bit worse?

If so, I’m not that person who is going to get down on you for putting yourself through what others might call “needless torture”. I have those peppy girlfriends myself (*eh-hem*…mostly in actual relationships) who declare that they don’t watch chick flicks and question my sanity for watching them and I trust that you do too.

No, in spite of the tears (which can cleanse the soul!), I like to be reminded that there is true love out there happening. The tricky part is not letting it drag you down. You see, there is a very subtle lie in these movies that whispers that that over-the-top kind love is not happening to you and if you buy into that, it can leave you feeling depressed. “But it’s not happening to me,” you may say. Au contraire!

The overall message of these movies is love. And what is love, really? Well, “…God is love.” (1 John 4:8) and if God is love then we really cannot view love without seeing God too. We all have heard of or seen the widely popular movie Twilight, yes? One thing that I heard so many women swoon over was the fact that the main character, the vampire Edward, never slept but spent his nights watching over his beloved Bella. Ladies, where do you think that idea came from? God does this very thing for you every night with a greater intensity of love than a vampire could ever feel! Ryan Gosling’s character Noah’s faithfulness to his love in The Notebook, writing her letters everyday in spite of never getting a response? Well, let’s just say that God’s faithfulness in reaching out to you doesn’t stop after a year. And if you haven’t seen The Vow yet, Rachael McAdam’s character wakes from a coma and doesn’t recognize Channing Tatum when he tells her he’s her husband!! Hello!! Can a lady get anymore brain damaged than that?! Unfortunately we, everyday, fall guilty to that kind of disabledness when God calls us His bride and we fail to recognize Him!

So, the next time you watch your favorite chick flick, I challenge you to look for the love between the main characters and then recognize and think on how God’s love for you tops even that. And not to exclude my fellow readers, for a great romance novel, pick up ‘Captivating’ by John and Stasi Eldredge. It will make God’s love for you seem less like words on a page and more real and romantic than any love you have ever known.

May this Valentine’s Day bring real love (which is God) into your lives and your hearts in a bigger way than ever before! May your tears of sorrow, loneliness or even joy, wash your eyes and give you a clearer vision of the love that is so real and present in your life right now.

To Strive Or Excel Or Rival

Just remember to be gentle with yourself. After all, it is the gentleness of God that makes us truly great (Psalm 18:35).

We’ll be praying for you,


Boyfriend’s History and Looking toward marriage

Almost 3 years ago, I met my boyfriend on a mission trip. After about 6 months of dating with strict physical boundaries, we had our “dirty laundry” talk. He accepted my story (of an abusive, physical relationship in college) with more grace than I could ever tell. I still tear up when I think of how gracious and loving he was toward me. He told me at that point that porn and masturbation had been a big part of his walk with the Lord and that he had by no means conquered it, but that it was a journey he was on – to pursue purity. I took this to mean that those things had been big parts of his life but that he was actively seeking accountability and redemption from this sin. After about 2 years of dating (almost six months ago), I decided out of the blue (but I’m pretty sure it was the Lord, now that I think on it) to set a boundary for us. I intimately desire marriage with this man, but I have been marred by relationships drenched in porn before. So, I set a boundary for us – that he be porn free for at least a year before proposing to me. In my mind, this was just a detail, and he had probably already reached that point, etc. About two months after that conversation, I asked him if he had a general timeline in his mind as to when we might pursue engagement. He let me know that his defining point for that was the timeline I laid out for him. It took me a while to realize that, within the past year, he has used pornography. I can’t be sure if that means he had just used it, it had been a long while, or next week would mark a year. I really struggled with this, and the only female mentor I’ve ever had as a spiritual influence said that this was a yellow flag, maybe even a red flag, and that I seriously need to reconsider the relationship, lest I spend our whole marriage distrusting him or fighting with a screen for his attention. He has said that he will not bring porn into a marriage with me – even that he would rather not marry me than bring porn into it. My issue now is: is this a yellow/red flag? Is it ok to ask him about it? If he’s not actively pursuing purity, I don’t know if I can keep from resenting him for not actively, fiercely pursuing purity for the sake of a future with me. Please help. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this.

Hey Maggie,

My name is Shellie R. Warren and I am the women’s blog editor for the site. I appreciate you making the time to email us. I’m pretty sure that there are others who need to read this as well.

The first thing that came to my mind when I read this was an interview that I did a few years back. You can check it out here:

As someone who does premarital counseling as well, my running statement with a lot of singles (because until you are married, you are indeed *single*) is that what married women go through is for the sake of commitment while what a lot of single gals send themselves through is actually called settling.

Walking down an aisle does not a pure man or woman make. A wedding ceremony is simply a public declaration of your commitment to God and your intention towards another person. However, if a habit is there before marriage, the habit will be awaiting you afterwards.

Therefore, to answer your question, yes, you are seeing a flag of caution and yes, it is OK to ask (not accuse or nag, but ask) your boyfriend about it. After all, what the two of you should be more than anything else is *friends* and friends are honest with one another.

I will say this: I commend your boyfriend for saying that he would rather not marry you than to bring porn into the marriage. That speaks to having a level of integrity (good for him!). However, I will also say that trying to pressure anyone, especially a man, into “getting clean” is more times than not, extremely counterproductive. He has to “sober up” for himself not so that he can marry you. One of the main reasons why is because porn is rooted in lust (I John 2:16) and if he doesn’t get a grip on that issue beforehand, having you in his bed every night is not going to be a “cure”…in some ways, it could add to the problem. You deserve a man to have sex *with you* in marriage not *at you*. This is a part of what it means when the Word tells us that the marriage bed is pure (Hebrews 13:4).

RIght now, if his issue is so strong on your spirit that it has you unsettled, I honestly would recommend that you take the topic of marriage off of the table; not saying that it can’t be revisited, but for now, love him (love is patient and roots for truth to win out-I Corinthians 13), be friends and let him come to his own conclusions on how/when/why healing is essential.

Oh, and if you are a reader, you might want to pick up the book I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography by Mark A. Tabb and Clay Crosse. Sometimes, it’s good to see what the future *could hold* if you choose to marry someone in the struggle.

The good news: you’re a girlfriend dealing with this and not a wife. For now, you are still your top priority. And yes, that is a blessing.

Keep us posted and you will remain in our prayers,


Being set free

Hey there. I have tried getting off porn for a very long time. I was 4 when I started not knowing anything even. I am now 20 and i have been struggling for the past 16 years. Masturbation started a while after porn. I pray and ask forgiveness but then I sin again,over and over again and the cycle continues. I am constantly falling. I don’t know what to do.

From here you need to talk to someone about this and get accountability with your struggles. Sit down and develop a plan to cut this sin right at the knees. Place accountability software on your computer, mobile phone, and/or your mobile devices. We suggest X3 Watch for accountability software which you can download for free at You should also place a filter on your computer as well. We suggest X3 Watch Pro for this. This would be like having an alarm on your house and then locking the door with both of these on your computer. When you do get a filter you should have your accountability partner set the password so that you can not just change it when you want to look at porn.
Another way to get good accountability and a safe place to do it is with an X3 Groups Online group. You can find out more about it at It is a great program.
You have to remove this from your life completely. Get rid of any movies, pictures, files, or any item with adult content. Destroy it and be done with it but, when you destroy it do it in a way that will not allow for this to get into someone else’s hands. If the filters and accountability software will not work then you may have to take drastic measures and remove your computer, get an older phone without Internet, or remove the Internet from your computer. It all comes down to completely removing it and the temptation from your life.
All too often we work on our habits of viewing porn instead of the reasons why we view porn. You need to get down to the root issues of why you go back to it and keep doing so. This may take some time and effort to discover this. But through talking with people about this or your accountability partner you will begin to see areas of your life, your past, and items that trigger your porn use. I strongly recommend counseling for this as they can really get there a lot faster than we can by providing great tools to deal with the items that arise.
Everyone is different but, a few things that I have found that worked in my recovery and from other I want to share with you.
Dive into the word daily. Spend time with God and find out what you have been missing and He will show you things you may not have before.
Track your day and see when you’re most prone to look at porn. From here developed a daily plan to counter attack these temptations based on your observation of your own patterns.
Discover your triggers. When you look back and think of when you were most venerable, what was going on at the time? Were you stressed out, tires, bored, angry, or lonely? These are some of the key triggers for people and you need to locate them and be aware of it. When you notice your trigger topic happening you then need to react and move away from it. It may take sometime to notice and be aware of it but, this is very important.
Share with others: this can also be tough to do but, it will help you grow and heal faster. Also we know how lonely this feels to be trapped like this to porn. We also know that when others see that there is someone else who has been through it or going through it they are more willing to seek help or talk about it. You never know this could be a start to a small group of people who meet and hold each other accountable.
Please know that you are not alone in this and that you can work through this. Yes; it will not be easy but it can be done. We are here for you and praying for you.

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